It’s one thing to get interested in the problems of the world because you want to come up with solutions, and another thing to just do it because you’re bored and you have nothing better to do with your life. We talk about our problems more than we talk about our joys and if we don’t have problems, we create some for ourselves just so we can stay busy. We like to stay informed, to know about all the horrible things that are happening in the world and for some strange reason, we get a sort of twisted pleasure from sharing this newly acquired “knowledge” with those around us. Withdraw your attention from the problems of the world What I will share with you here today are 7 things that are meant to help you to create your own fairy tale, your own magical world. Something that has taught me how to live life on my own terms and bring magic back into my life.

We only need an open mind, a burning “desire, imagination, and a steadily focused attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” ~ Neville, The Power of Awareness 7 Steps to Creating Your Own Magical World Now, whenever I think about Arabela and the magic ring, I smile simply because I know that we can all create magic, we can all make our dreams come true and we can do it without a magic ring.