System shock 2 modify
System shock 2 modify

system shock 2 modify

Most of the other melee exploits have to do with enemies failing to sufficiently respond to the player getting up close. However, I had to go beyond my comfort zone with NewDark’s DMLs and Squirrel Scripts to progress with other AI enhancements.

system shock 2 modify

It works rather well, and without noticeable loss of performance (after some much-needed optimizations). I found a simple way to fix this with a script - I run a timer on every melee enemy to check whether the player is in range (one vector subtraction/rotation, component-wise check) for an attack, and then extend their desired attack range by up to 14x until they actually go through with it. This is particularly noticeable with the Rumbler, who can be easily killed with the wrench and base stats so long as the player continues to backpedal in a circle. A key component of this some error in the AI programming that makes melee enemies unwilling to ever attack a player who is backpedaling, likely because they calculate the player will be out of range by the time the attack goes through (since they must stand still while doing it).

system shock 2 modify

If you’ve played SS2 as much as I have, you’ll pick up on strategies that easily neutralize enemies with melee, which eliminates their fear factor and skips the need for skill investment and resource management. System Shock 2 – Scary Monsters AI Enhancement 1.00 Some of it is based on learning new tools for the Dark Engine resource pipeline, some of it is due to exploring NewDark’s capabilities a bit further, and a lot of it is just design ideas fueled by other ImSims and helpful feedback from my players. I’ve made a ton of progress on some interesting features for System Shock 2 lately, spread across a few mods.

System shock 2 modify